Wednesday 16 March 2016

Boosts Your Energy with Allergy Free Oatmeal

As kids, most of us used to choose the sweet taste of frosted flakes over oatmeal. In our childhood the battle of sugary cereal vs oatmeal, we would always show our allegiance to surgery cereal. However, as we age, we gradually start to eat more oatmeal due to its many health benefits. And our love affair with oatmeal gets stronger as we get older. The main reason why we didn’t like oatmeal in our childhood was it failed to develop a romance with our palate; because, of all colorful TV ads and the sense of adventure that they created for the sugary alternative. Let’s be honest, oatmeal was not deemed to be fun and all Oatmeal had going for itself has been an old guy in a funny hat. Today more and more brands are making this old time favorite fun again.

These days, in the market, you can buy a wide range of oatmeal available in different flavors, including an exciting new brand called Rocket Foods that has great tasting flavors; Apple Berry Jazz. Redberry Blues and Granny’s Apple Pie. All these flavors are equally loved by young and old. Your kids will love Rocket foods Oatmeal’s vs the Sugary cereal. They will fall in love with Rocket Foods Oatmeal. What’s more, you can easily buy allergy free oatmeal these days. So, individuals who have diet restrictions can enjoy oatmeal without any worry about allergic reactions or any other health complication. 

Oatmeal is a carbohydrates and protein-rich source. A study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition And Exercise Metabolism found that “eating a low glycemic meal, such as oatmeal, three hours prior to running offered better endurance.” Also, eating oatmeal before a work out helps to promote fat burning during exercises. So, now, what are you waiting for? Order oatmeal pouches or oatmeal cup-6 pack to provide nutritious meal to your family.